I have to be honest, I have been feeling a little unmotivated around here lately. We took a trip at the beginning of January and I have not gotten back into the swing of things yet. Still dreaming of being back on the cruise I guess. 😉 We did not have time to take down our Christmas decorations before we left, so those were just taken down last weekend. That is a big job! Since Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, I decided to skip the winter décor all together and go straight to the hearts! More specifically this multicolored yarn heart garland.
I feel like the color schemes for decorating for Valentine’s Day are very limited so I decided to do something a little unconventional. I found this post on Pinterest and fell in love with the mini heart garland. So I decided to do my own version and made a multicolored yarn heart garland with no knitting or crocheting talents required! This garland ties in perfectly with my colorful Valentine’s Day mantel. I really love how it turned out!
I was lucky to inherit a bunch of yarn from Mr. Wonderful’s grandmother when she was not able to knit anymore. 🙁 It is nice to have around for my craft projects and maybe some knitting projects in the future. I have done knitting in the past, but not any lately. If anyone has knit before, they know how long a project takes. My life right now does not allow for that much time to be devoted to one project. Who knows, maybe in the future though. However I am glad to be able to make use of the yarn. It came in really handy for this garland.
I really liked the colors used in the mini heart garland so I wanted to replicate that as closely as possible. Luckily I was able to do that! I added in the mustard yellow as I thought it went well with the other colors. If you also have a bunch of yarn around, this is a very easy and inexpensive project. Even if you don’t, this type of yarn is not very expensive to buy.
*There are links to products in this post that I use or are similar to products I use. If you buy something from one of these links, I may make a small commission (with no additional cost to you) from the purchase. I will not recommend anything that I would not buy myself. Thank you for supporting my blog!
For this project you will need:
- Colored Yarn
- Heart Template – I just googled heart clip art and picked one I liked
- Cardboard
- Scissors
- Assorted Sizes Wood Beads (I used 2 packages)
- Command Hooks
- Twine
I found some clip art online to use as my template for my hearts. I printed it out to be 4 inches across. You can make it bigger or smaller depending on your preference. I used a box to trace the hearts onto and cut out 14 hearts.
The hearts were really simple to make. Take your yarn and hold it down on the back of one of your cut out hearts. You can add a piece of tape for added support if you want to, but there is really no need for it. After a few wraps around the heart, the starting piece will be secured down.
Keep wrapping the yarn around the heart trying to go from different directions each time. Your main goal will be to completely cover all of the cardboard showing through the yarn. Keep the yarn taut as you wrap it around the heart.
When you have the heart completely covered with yarn, you will have to create a loop for the heart to hang from and tie off the end. Cut the yarn leaving a tail long enough to form a loop, about 6 inches. Slip the end of the yarn under a previously wrapped piece to keep the loop at the top of the heart. Form a loop and tie a couple knots. Tuck the end of the yarn under other strands of yarn to hide it.
Continue this with all the different colors of yarn, totaling 7 hearts, then repeat to get 2 of each color. 7 hearts, sounds like it could be a great name for a band, huh? 😉
I hung the hearts from my beaded garland that I have used on previous mantels. It is very versatile and easy to change up. You can see some different uses with it here, here and here. Simply string some wooden beads on a piece of twine and you are good to go. It is also great to use as a decoration on its own. I laid out the beaded garland and the hearts on the floor to figure out how far apart the put the hearts.
This made it easier to string the hearts on the garland as well. Luckily the loops on the hearts were large enough to fit over the biggest beads otherwise I would have had to take off all the beads and I did not want to do that. There are 60 beads on my garland so I figured I would have to place the hearts with about 4-5 beads in between. Starting with the middle hearts, I added all of the hearts onto the garland.
We have some command hooks on each end of the mantel that stay there all the time to use to hang garlands. It makes it super handy and I can easily remove them if I ever want to.
I love the colorfulness of this garland! Even though it is not the traditional red and pink for Valentine’s Day, I think the hearts say it enough. This would also be really cute in a baby or little girl’s room.
As an added bonus, this project was completely free because I had all the supplies on hand. That makes it even better! I love creating projects from things I already have around the house. 🙂
I will be sharing the rest of the mantel with you soon (click here to see it!) as well as a couple other fun projects for Valentine’s Day!
Have a wonderful day!
What a cute idea and it looks like something even I could pull off!
Thanks Carlee! It was very simple, you could totally do it! 🙂
Love this! It will be a great and simple project to make with my grandkids!
Love these so much! Thanks for sharing. I am going to make these with my grandkids this weekend.